Unfortunately, more often than not your pet’s favorite place to pee isn’t where you’d like. However, by giving your pooch his very own dog fire hydrant, you can help to control where those golden showers end up. Here’s your complete guide to this fun solution!
Pee Problems
When you’re out and about walking your pooch there are endless places for him to pee. But in your own yard, it’s a different story. You don’t want your dog just urinating wherever he pleases and neither do your neighbors. Not only can urine cause quite a mess and a stink (particularly on concrete), but also damage.
In fact, even when your dog pees on the grass it can cause that specific area to turn brown. This is what’s known as “lawn burn.” The nitrogen level in dog urine is so high that it actually scalds the grass which can be a major pain in the butt to deal with and a real eyesore.
Both male and female dogs use urine as a way to mark their territory. And males of course prefer to lift their legs and pee on upright objects. Posts and poles of all types are popular doggy choices but sometimes so are plants, trees, kids’ play areas, car tires, garbage cans, garage walls, and the exterior of houses.
A Dog Fire Hydrant Is The Solution
The simplest way to deal with this natural behavior is not to fight it. This will only cause stress and frustration for both you and your pet. Instead, you can use it to your advantage with the help of a dog fire hydrant. Everyone is familiar with the classic image of a dog peeing on a fire hydrant and for good reason.
In urban areas, real hydrants are a favorite spot for many city canines to lift their legs and spray away. For male dogs, a fake hydrant is an irresistible upright pee post that he can soak down to show his ownership over his backyard domain.
For females, it can work more as a visual marker for their designated outdoor bathroom space. By placing a hydrant where you want your dog to, “go” you can quickly change your pet’s behavior. And of course, you get the added benefit of having your very own fire hydrant lawn statue that’s sure to be a conversation piece!
Doggy Hydrant Basics
Unlike a real hydrant which is extremely heavy, and made not to be moved, a fire hydrant for dogs is designed specifically for convenient backyard use. They are both portable and durable enough to handle the outdoors. There are a few different materials, features, and sizes depending on what you prefer.
When it comes to materials the most common choices are plastic, resin, and metal. If you just want something basic, plastic is generally the cheapest option. A plastic fire hydrant for dogs will usually be lightweight so you’ll want to weigh it down. A more realistic-looking choice, especially from a few feet away, are hydrants made from resin.
These are durable and often hand-painted for extra detail. Many models have what’s known as a distressed finish. This makes them look like they’ve had years of use outdoors. The most authentic doggy hydrants however are usually those made from metal. They too are usually hand-painted and can have a distressed finish for a vintage appearance.
But there are more modern and new-looking choices too. Hydrants designed from tougher and heavier metals such as steel will cost more. And so will those with special coatings, such as thermoplastic that provide extra protection from weather and urine.
Choosing A Size
Hydrants come in a range of sizes from miniature to around the same size as real hydrant, or even larger. Which size you choose will come down to your preference but also the size of your pet. An easy rule to follow would be the larger the dog the larger the hydrant.
So while a mini fire hydrant for dogs would be ideal for one of the small dog breeds if you own a medium or large pooch you will want to go bigger. If you don’t, you may end up with a hydrant that’s a little too low for your dog’s liking. So if you’re in doubt go with something on the larger side, you can’t lose.
(A little pooch with a big hydrant can of course be very cute.) If your pet is still a puppy you’ll want to take into consideration how big it will be when fully grown and decide accordingly. Of course, if you have a female dog, size isn’t as important since they won’t actually be peeing on it, but near it.
While real hydrants come in a handful of different colors, you’ll notice when shopping, that the vast majority of faux fire hydrants for dogs are typically classic red. Although colors like yellow, green, and a few others are sometimes available.
Dog Fire Hydrants With Storage
Some hydrants can actually be opened up so that you can use the hollow space inside for storage. This can be very convenient for keeping a range of outdoor doggy toys and supplies. Many owners use it to keep their extra poop bags so that they are always available and never get caught without one.
The inside of a hollow hydrant can also be filled with things like sand or gravel to help weigh it down. This will help to keep upright in strong winds. (Burying the base if it has one can also help too.) If you do weigh it down you can always leave a little space on top for storage as well.
Backyard Placement And Tips
Where you end up placing your hydrant will depend on your space. But there are a few spots that do work well and tips that can help. If you can sticking to the edges of lawns or far corners of the yard is usually best. This will help to keep any possible lawn burn from being seen. And since your pet will most likely be using the surrounding area to poop, you’ll decrease your chances of stepping in an unseen mess.
The same goes when placing a hydrant in a dog kennel or fenced-in play area. Corners, edges, and the far ends of enclosures, that are also away from the entrances and dog houses are ideal. Many owners actually like to add their hydrant in a spot that is as close to their garbage cans as possible for easy waste disposal. And don’t forget to place your doggy hydrant away from flowers and vegetable gardens.
Drainage Counts
Choosing an area with good drainage and that isn’t prone to flooding when it rains is important. If you don’t have a spot like this you can always create one it using materials like gravel, river rocks, or fine sand. Wood chips can be used too but they will absorb urine.
In order to prevent any odor simply be sure to remove and replace them periodically. Another option that many owners use is artificial grass since it has drainage holes. It also isn’t damaged by urine and looks natural while not requiring any cutting. Artificial grass can also be cleaned with a hose.
A Perfect Pairing
For puppies, small pooches, elderly canines, and all apartment dwelling pets one of the best spots to use a hydrant is on an artificial grass dog potty mat. These are mats are commonly used as a sanitary indoor spot for your dog to pee their owner isn’t home and for housetraining.
A hydrant for dogs will give males something upright to pee on and add some visual appeal. A mat and hydrant can also be great for creating bathroom areas on apartment balconies, decks, and as an alternative to going outside on days when the weather is bad.
Caring For Dog Fire Hydrants
To keep your dog pee fire hydrant clean and odor-free you’ll want to give it a good spraying down with the hose every once in a while, which is all it should need. And regardless of what it’s made out of, by storing it away in a basement, shed, or garage during the winter months you can help to prolong the life of your hydrant.
If you’ve chosen a metal fire hydrant for dogs and it doesn’t have a special coating, you can add your own protective layer with a product such as Rustoleum. While it’s not a must, after a long season outdoors, it’s an easy way to make sure it lasts as long as possible.
Create Your Own Dog Park
Once you have a fake fire hydrant for dogs to pee on, it doesn’t take much more to turn your yard into your pet’s very own dog park. For example, to keep things neat and clean a dog waste station can be a big help. Waste stations will come with a handy poop bag dispenser and have an attached garbage can to throw them in once there used.
They also help to provide that official dog park look since they will typically have a sign as well. Your pet will also need somewhere to cool down after play sessions or to beat the heat on hot days like a dog swimming pool.
Many of these come in adorable dog-themed shapes such as bones or paws. If you like DIY projects you can even use a hollow hydrant and a pump to create a fountain for your pet’s pool. But don’t forget the importance of adequate fencing to help keep your dog safe.
Share The Wealth
Of course, if you are a generous pet parent you may want to consider donating a dog park fire hydrant. This could be to your local community dog park or a private one if you’re a condo or apartment resident.
Training Your Pet To Use A Dog Fire Hydrant
Some pets may be a little slower than others to understand that their hydrant is where they should be peeing. An easy trick for puppies is to first place it on a puppy pad or artificial grass pad indoors. This will help them to associate it with their toilet spot. Both the pad and hydrant can then be brought outdoors when it’s the usual time for your pet to urinate.
Eventually, remove the pad and allow your pet to use only the dog fire hydrant potty. For puppies and older dogs using a potty training attractant spray on the hydrant can work too. You may also want to consider soaking up your dog’s own urine in a paper towel and rubbing it onto the hydrant. Regardless of the method used don’t forget positive praise and some tasty treats to reward your pet for a job well done.
Scented Hydrants
If you don’t want to deal with sprays, some manufacturers actually sell hydrants that have been impregnated with a potty training attractant spray already. A scented fire hydrant will therefore cost more than standard models.
Fun Indoor Décor
Hydrants can be used indoors as well, not as a place for pets to pee, but as a piece of decor. And they are particularly popular with dog-related businesses such as groomers and doggy daycare centers. When used in the house, options with storage make an adorable place to keep dog food, treats, leashes along with other pet supplies.
Since the dog and fire hydrant do go together so well many people actually purchase statues of dogs raising their legs to go with their hydrant. And of course, they are an excellent gift idea for firefighters or just adding to the man cave. There are many fun and functional ways to use a dog fire hydrant. And with all the tips and info you’ve just learned you’re ready to take advantage of all of them.
Start Shopping for Dog Fire Hydrants!
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