Are Bull Terriers Smart

Are Bull Terriers smart? Ask anyone who has ever had a Bull Terrier this question, and the resounding and unanimous answer will be a yes. They will also tell you that they are intelligent, funny, energetic, and stubborn. For all these reasons first-time pet owners or timid owners should reconsider their decision to get a Bull Terrier. The stubborn Bull Terrier needs firm but kind training, and an owner who is confident and patient.

How Smart Are Bull Terriers?

If you do not ensure that your Bull Terrier understands the rules of the house and that of acceptable behavior, it will make up its own rules. That is how smart the breed is. To understand this breed a little better, consider the fact that dog experts often refer to it as a kid in a dog suit. A sure sign of Bull Terrier smart is the fact that it is always busy. Either the dog owner keeps it busy, or the Bull Terrier will keep them busy.

Bull Terriers love human company. They are energetic and thrive in their interactions with their owners. This is also why they should not be left alone for long periods, as they are likely to turn destructive out of sheer boredom. They have powerful jaws, and when they are bored they can chew through almost anything in their path.

A Bull terrier would need at least half an hour to an hour of rambunctious playtime daily, and likes to be mentally stimulated. This makes a smart Bull Terrier an ideal choice for a family that has older children who would make perfect playmates for the dog.

Are Bull Terriers Smart



Understanding The Stubborn Bull Terrier

In America, this breed became especially popular after a commercial campaign for beer featured a Bull Terrier. The breed came across as being fun, tough, and smart. The Bull Terrier is the result of cross-breeding a Bulldog and a white English Terrier, and later they were crossed with Spanish Pointers to make them bigger.

The dogs were bred for the dog fighting ring, and are courageous fighters. The white Bull Terrier is also referred to as the ‘white cavalier’ and was considered to be a fashionable companion for gentlemen in the 1860s.  Outside the dog fighting ring, the Bull Terrier remains feisty and stubborn.

It is a friendly dog with lots of energy that needs to be harnessed properly. Without proper training and early positive socialization, the Bull Terrier can be aggressive toward other animals. However, with humans, they are friendly and sweet. They need a confident and kind leader when it comes to training. The smart Bull Terrier is innately stubborn and training it would require patience and consistency.

It is vital that it understands and accepts that its owner is in control of the situation and the home. If you are still wondering about what makes Bull Terriers smart, just spend an hour with one. If that is not possible, view a few online videos shared by pet parents of Bull Terriers, and your doubts will be put to rest.


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