Big Dogs With Pointy Ears

One of the most amazing things about dogs is that they come in every shape, size, and color imaginable! If you’re looking for a certain physical trait in a dog breed, you’ll be sure to find several different breeds that fit the bill. Today, we’re going to take a look at big dogs with pointy ears.


The Akita originated in Japan, but this loyal and affectionate breed is now popular all over the world. They have a distinctive short, curly tail and a lovely thick coat. If they are well socialized as a puppy, they will quickly become one of the most loving companions you could ever ask for.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is one of the oldest dog breeds, and records suggest they existed over 5,000 years ago! Their large size makes them perfect for carrying heavy burdens, and they were originally bred as sled dogs. This breed was also used to carry supplies to France during World War I.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



German Shepherd

True to their name, the German Shepherd was originally used as a working breed to herd animals. This is an extremely popular breed because they are incredibly intelligent, and a German Shepherd will easily learn a wide variety of commands. While their use as herding dogs has declined, today, these large dogs with pointy ears are a popular choice among police units.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Siberian Husky

Like Alaskan Malamutes, Siberian Huskies make excellent sled dogs. They have striking, electric blue or deep brown eyes and a thick, wolf-like tail. These dogs are one of the most active breeds, and they require a lot of exercise. Siberian Huskies thrive in cold temperatures with lots of room to run. This is an especially vocal breed, but if you don’t mind a bit of howling, they could make the perfect companion for you!

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Belgian Sheepdog

The Belgian Sheepdog is a beautiful dog breed with big pointy ears, long black hair, and a pointed fox-like face. This breed loves all forms of exercise, and it can be hard to keep up with its active lifestyle at times. They are extremely devoted and intelligent pets. While they won’t get along well with younger family members, a Belgian Sheepdog will thrive with older children.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Dutch Shepherd

Dutch Shepherds were bred for a variety of purposes in the 1800s. They were especially useful on farms, where they worked as guard dogs, herders, and they could even bear heavy loads. Today, many farmers still use them to herd sheep and cattle, but they also make excellent guide dogs and police dogs.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Bull Terrier

Bull Terriers are mischievous yet charming creatures. Most dog enthusiasts agree that the best part of a Bull Terrier is its big personality: this dog is incredibly entertaining, loving, and loyal.

However, this friendly breed has a dark past, as they were originally bred to fight other dogs. Thankfully, the cruel sport was outlawed, and this big dog breed with pointy ears has found a much more comfortable life playing with loving owners.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears




Samoyeds often resemble a fluffy white cloud, with their long fur, which helps to keep away the cold. They are so well-protected from the cold that they can even withstand temperatures as low as negative 60 degrees Fahrenheit! Even if you don’t plan on living in such brutal conditions, however, your Samoyed can live happily alongside you as a gentle companion.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears



Chow Chow

What’s not to love about the distinctive wrinkly face of a Chow Chow? While most of their coat is medium in length, the fur around their neck forms a ruff similar to the mane of a lion, while their tail is short, curled, and poofy.

Many people agree that Chow Chows are one of the cleanest dog breeds, and they are rarely smelly. This breed has a serious and dignified personality, but they can warm up to become affectionate companions.

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears




The final breed on our list of big dogs with pointy ears is the Tervuren. This breed was bred to work, which can be a challenge if they are kept in calm households. If you plan on adopting a Tervuren, you will need to find plenty of ways to make its life-enriching. These intelligent and courageous dogs are always on the go!

Big Dogs With Pointy Ears


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