Border Collie Facts

Created to herd sheep, the Border Collie is a dog that’s not just agile but incredibly smart. And here are some of the most interesting Border Collie facts that help set this amazing breed apart.

A Distinguishing Name

The Border Collie gets its name from the fact that it was developed on the border of England and Scotland. In the past, the breed was simply just known as the Collie. However, with the rise in popularity of the Rough Collie, it needed a name that would help distinguish it as a unique breed.

Before the name Border Collie was officially recognized it was known by various names such as the English Collie, Welsh Collie, Scotch Collie, and also the Farm Collie.

Border Collie Facts



Range Of Colors

The traditional and most common Border Collie coat color is black with a white collar, tail tip, and stockings. But there are many other acceptable coat colors as well. That is, except for solid white. Merle, tri-color, solid black, red and white, tan and white, and gray and black are just some examples.

Border Collie Facts



Built For Mileage

When working to herd sheep this breed can sometimes run forty to fifty miles in a single day. In fact, the official Border Collie standard was written so that dogs must have a rib cage and chest that allows for both heart and lung capacity that can perform to such a capacity.

Border Collie Facts



A Low-Set Tail Matters

There’s a reason that the breed has a tail that’s low-set. And that’s because it helps the dog to balance itself as it stops, starts, and turns on a dime to keep the sheep in line.

Border Collie Facts



A Guiding Light

Many shepherds prefer a Collie with a white-tipped tail. The white tip is often referred to as a “shepherd’s lantern,” as it can help to guide the way home in the evening since it stands out well against the dark night sky.

Border Collie Facts



Running Hot

Border Collies are such diligent workers that they can put the job before themselves. In fact, particular care must be taken when the dog is working in strong sun or in hot weather, as they may work until they develop heatstroke.

Border Collie Facts



High I.Q.

The Border is considered to be one of the world’s smartest dog breeds. Helping to prove their intelligence is Chaser the Border Collie. This spectacular pooch has proven to understand the English names for more than one thousand individual objects.

Border Collie Facts



Two Coat Types

There are actually two different coat types that are acceptable for the breed. The smooth coat is smooth in texture and short in length. The rough coat can range from flat to wavy in texture and is medium to long in length. However, it is still short and smooth on the face. Both types have an undercoat.

Border Collie Facts



Related To Old Hemp

Unlike other dog breeds, most Borders today can claim a single common ancestor. The Border Collie Old Hemp, bred by Adam Telfer, was born in Northumberland England in 1893. Old Hemp had exceptional herding abilities and was therefore used to sire a few hundred puppies.

Border Collie Facts



The Border Collie Stare

This breed is well-known for its intense stare, also known as the “collie eye.” The dog will use its stare to turn obstinate sheep when herding. It can also use the famous Border Collie stare to in effect hypnotize a single sheep so that it will stay still allowing the shepherd to catch it.

Border Collie Facts



When The Job’s Done

An effective herding Border Collie needs to be able to respond to a variety of commands from the shepherd. And of course one of the most important is the command used to let the dog know that the job is done. Typically the phrase that is used for this the most is simply, “that’ll do.”

Border Collie Facts



Convict Companions

In the late 1700s, the British government began sending convicts to penal colonies overseas in Australia. One of the little-known Border Collie Facts is that there were actually Borders on the first convict ships as well.

Sheep were sent on the boats to provide food and wool once they reached Australia. However, these sheep in turn needed the Collies both for protection and so that they didn’t get lost in this new and overwhelmingly large land.


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