The Chow Chow is a dog with a blue-black tongue and ancestry dating back to ancient times. But that’s just the start; here are some of the most interesting Chow Chow facts that help set this amazing breed apart!
Resembles Both Bears And Lions
The fluffy yet stout Chow looks very similar in appearance to both the bear and the lion. In fact, in its native country of China, it is referred to as “Hsiung Kou,” which means, “bear dog.” It’s also known as “Songshi Quan,” or the “puffy lion dog,” among a handful of other names.
An Ancient Breed
The Chow Chow is one of the most ancient dog breeds on the planet. It is known to have been around for at least two thousand years however many historians believe it is even older. In ancient Chinese pottery and artwork, it’s depicted as a fierce hunter, guardian, and shepherd.
Blue-Black Tongue
One of this breed’s most distinguishing characteristics is its blue-black tongue. This is a trait that it shares with only a few other members of the animal kingdom including the polar bear and another Chinese dog breed the Shar-Pei. Chow Chow puppies are actually born with pink tongues but the pigmentation darkens as they get older. How fast or slow the tongue darkens in color will depend on the individual dog.
A Name That Stuck
The name, “Chow Chow,” is widely accepted to have come from the breed’s first exportation to England in the late eighteenth century. The dogs traveled on the famous East India Company’s clipper ships. At that time, the slang term used on the ships for miscellaneous goods of all types that were being transported from the orient was, “chow chow.” This term was used for the dogs as well and it stuck!
Two Distinct Coats
There are two coat types acceptable for this breed, rough and smooth. The rough coat has a coat that is coarse bushy. A rough coat Chow Chow will also have wrinkles that are more visible. The smooth coat type has a coat that is silky and dense. Both coat varieties are double-coated and have an outer coat along with an undercoat.
A Holy Guardian
In some remote areas of China, the Chow has been used for hundreds of years to guard the temples. These dogs are bred with great care and planning. Blue Chow Chows are given the status of a holy animal in some of these monasteries and are greatly admired and cared for by the monks.
Once Considered Food And Clothing
In China, the Chow was at one time considered a delicacy. Chow Chow puppies were fattened up on grains and rice and then eaten. The fur of this breed, and specifically dogs of the rough coat type with their long hair, was also used to make clothing.
Profuse Shedders
This is a breed that sheds, and sheds a lot! Chow Chow shedding can be described as extensive. This is true for both coat types rough and smooth. Chows will also blow coat twice per year as well. Whether or not you want to deal with all the excess hair is worth considering.
Flea Magnet
The luxurious Chow Chow coat is not just attractive to humans but to fleas as well. In fact, its dense coat provides an ideal environment for fleas to quickly reproduce and can lead to an infestation on your pet and in your house. It, therefore, pays to stay on top of grooming and be observant of signs of pests.
Not A Fan Of Water
The Chow Chow as a breed does not like water. For this reason, many dogs will resist going outdoors on rainy days. They also typically don’t enjoy swimming and their heavy coat can actually weigh them down making it dangerous. Of course, this dislike of water also means that giving a Chow Chow a bath can be a challenge. Getting the job done quickly and providing plenty of treats during the process can help though.
The Heat And Chows Don’t Mix
This is a breed that does not do well in hot and humid environments. Their heavy coat means they heat up quickly which leads to panting and because of their jowls, drooling. In fact, they can actually overheat quite easily, which can be dangerous.
A physical sign that a Chow needs to be cooled down is when that famous blue-black tongue starts looking splotchy or lighter in color than usual. This can be done by spraying your pet down with the hose and applying an ice pack. However, you also may need to take him to the vet.
Happiest When Close To The Family
While a Chow can be very reserved with strangers, on the other hand, it forms strong bonds with its owners. And it is happiest when it is spending time around them. This isn’t a breed that needs constant attention or that will follow you around the house everywhere you go.
Instead, it will want to be in your general vicinity at all times, whether that means within view or lying at your feet. It’s therefore not a dog that should be kept outdoors.
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