Real cows belong on the farm and don’t make great pets, however dogs that look like cows do! Luckily for cow fans there are quite a few breeds ranging in size from tiny to extra-large, that have a cow-like appearance. So here are the top cow-looking dogs and what you’ll want to know about them.
Great Dane
Because of its impressive size, the Great Dane is often compared to other large animals such as horses and cows. And while it does come in several coat colors and patterns, the most cow-like of them all is the harlequin pattern. The coat of a Harlequin Great Dane has a pure white base and ragged or torn-looking patches of black which instantly make you think of a dairy cow.
This giant dog breed is not for the average dog owner however, it does require an owner with experience that has the space and the budget to care for such a large canine.
This Newfoundland is an enormous breed that’s considered to be a gentle giant. This cow-looking dog is well-known for its strength and superb swimming skills. It even has webbed feet! The Newfoundland’s physical characteristics and love of the water is the reason why this sweet-natured pooch is considered by many to be the top breed in the world when it comes to water rescue.
Toy Fox Terrier
As its name suggests this is a miniature version of the English Fox Terrier. However, despite its small size, it has not lost its terrier instincts. This is an elegant and athletic little canine that is forever playful. The Toy Fox Terrier is also a loyal dog and can be quite protective of its owners.
Brazilian Terrier
This is a medium-sized dog breed that looks like a cow as it has a white coat with brown, black, isabella, or blue markings. It is one of only two officially recognized Brazilian dog breeds. The Brazilian Terrier is very friendly although it does have a high prey drive as it was used as a hunter of small game in its native homeland so should not be trusted with small animals.
This is an intelligent dog that at the same time has a ton of energy and therefore is not recommended for apartment living as it may become destructive if not given enough mental and physical stimulation.
Bull Terrier
A stocky and very heavily muscled breed, the Bull Terrier is a courageous dog that is full of personality. It has a unique egg-shaped head and triangular eyes that make sure you won’t mistake it for any other canine on the planet. Fortunately for those who would like to own this cow-looking dog in an even smaller package, there is also a mini version of this breed: the Miniature Bull Terrier.
American Bulldog
Unlike other types of bulldogs, this is a working breed. It was developed in the Southern United States from the now-extinct Old English Bulldog. This is a versatile canine that can function as a companion, and guardian, but also catch cattle or wild boar. Because the American Bulldog is a large and powerful dog it is essential that it is properly socialized from a young age.
French Bulldog
These small dogs have large square-shaped heads with wide bat-like ears. And as any Frenchie owner will tell you, they are fantastic companions, particularly for those who live in apartments. While this is a dog that is typically quiet and doesn’t bark much like other bulldog breeds the French Bulldog is known for snoring, snorting, and of course drooling.
American Staffordshire Terrier
Incredibly strong and loyal, the American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that comes in every coat color and can have markings that make it look like a cow. As with other terrier breeds, this is one that requires both daily exercise and obedience training starting at an early age. You’ll often hear this popular American breed called the “Amstaff,” for short.
Landseers are large black and white dogs that look like cows. They look similar to the Newfoundland as they are related, however they are a breed all their own. Landseers are tall and powerful dogs that are at home in the water and have a natural affinity for children. This breed was developed in both Germany and Switzerland.
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