Let’s face it, there’s something special about the look of pointy-eared dogs. Luckily there are many breeds that have this appealing physical characteristic. So here are some of the best dogs with pointy ears and what to know about them.
Both types of Corgi, the Cardigan Corgi, and the Pembroke Corgi have short legs, long bodies, fox-like faces, and ears that stand straight up. However, while the Cardigan has a long tail, the Pembroke’s tail is almost non-existent. Because Corgis were originally herding dogs they often try to herd kids and other pets.
German Spitz
An easy-to-train breed, the German Spitz is both a loyal companion and an observant watchdog thanks to its natural suspicion of strangers. Although it does tend to bark a lot if not properly trained. The German Spitz is well-known for its gorgeous coat that sports a mane-like ruff on the neck.
Ibizan Hound
The existence of the Ibizan Hound can be traced all the way back to ancient Egypt. It is a lean and leggy sighthound that is built for speed. This dog’s pointy ears are large and naturally upright and its nose is pink. The Ibizan Hound’s coat may be all-white, all-red, or red and white.
Australian Cattle Dog
The Australian Cattle dog is a dog breed with pointy ears, a compact yet powerful body, and a ton of energy. In fact, this is a working breed that was created to herd wild cattle in the harsh landscape of Australia. Because of its working background, it will need vigorous daily exercise sessions to keep it from becoming bored and developing undesirable habits.
German Shepherd
Famous worldwide for its guarding ability this breed is naturally protective of its family. The German Shepherd’s pointy ears typically start to stand up on their own when the puppy reaches around twenty weeks of age and has finished the teething stage. At this time the cartilage in the ear starts to harden and their floppy ears become erect.
Don’t let its small size fool you the Pomeranian is full of energy. This little dog also typically thinks and acts like a much bigger canine that is trapped in a small dog’s body. While the most common color is orange, the Pomeranian actually comes in a range of different coat colors.
Pharaoh Hound
Pharaoh Hounds are typically quiet dogs, however unlike most other sighthounds when chasing prey or lures they will usually bark the entire time. These unique canines also blush in their ears and noses when they are happy or excited. Similar to greyhounds, while they do need daily exercise and are active outdoors, once inside the home Pharaoh Hounds are couch potatoes.
French Bulldog
The French Bulldog is a small dog breed with pointy ears that look like the ears of a bat. It is a companion dog that definitely has a lot of personality in a compact package. Like other bulldog breeds, the wrinkles on its muzzle will need to be cleaned on a regular basis.
With a fondness for children and the ability to easily get along well with other pets, the Keeshond makes an ideal companion dog. However, it does best in situations where it isn’t left alone for long periods of time, as it loves to be around its owner. The breed’s black and grey coat is thick and can handle extremely cold temperatures although at the same time isn’t suited for very warm climates.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow is an ancient breed of dog that originated in China. It is one of only a handful of dogs on the planet that have bluish-black or purple tongues. This is a breed that requires an experienced pack leader and therefore is not recommended for first-time dog owners.
American Eskimo Dog
These pure white dogs with pointy ears are commonly called “Eskies,” for short. Because they are an energetic breed they need an owner who can provide them with vigorous exercise each and every day. There are three distinct sizes of American Eskimo Dog: standard, miniature, and toy.
Portuguese Podengo
This is an old breed that comes in three sizes: small, medium, and large. All three sizes were originally used for hunting and have upright pointy ears. The Portuguese Podengo also makes an excellent watchdog. Because of its high energy level, it is best suited for an owner with an active lifestyle.
The Chihuahua is easily one of the most recognizable canines on the planet. They are tiny dogs with pointy ears, round heads, and protruding eyes. These little pooches come in a wide variety of colors and in two coat types: smooth coat (short-haired) and long coat.
Start Shopping for Dog Supplies!
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