Ireland has produced some of the most amazing breeds of dogs on the planet. Ranging from small to the tallest dog of them all, the canines of the “Emerald Isle,” are a unique bunch. And this Irish dog breeds list will give you the basics of each.
Glen Of Imaal Terrier
The Glen of Imaal Terrier was developed as a fox and badger hunting dog. It’s a small and compact dog that was bred to work. In fact, it’s often considered to be a big dog in a small dog’s body. The Glen is known for its intelligence and like other Irish terrier dog breeds also its cocky attitude.
While it is an old breed it did not make its first appearance in the show ring until 1933. As its name suggests it originated in the Glen of Imaal in County Wicklow.
Irish Terrier
The Irish Terrier is a native of County Cork in southern Ireland. This is a very confident breed and therefore has earned the nickname the “ Daredevil.” It’s also known as the Irish Red Terrier because of its eye-catching red coat.
The Irish Terrier’s coat is coarse and hard in texture. Living up to its nickname this breed actually served the allies as a war messenger. Similar to many other terriers, this is one that does not typically get along well with other dogs.
Kerry Blue Terrier
The Kerry Blue Terrier is actually the national dog of Ireland. And it’s named after County Kerry in the southwestern corner of the country. It’s also known as the Irish Blue Terrier. This dog is actually born black however its coat gets lighter over the first two years of its life.
The breed is an all-around farm dog that was used as a rat catcher and guard dog. It’s believed that it was originally developed from crossing the Dandie Dinmont Terrier and the Irish Terrier. The breed’s curly coat does not shed, and therefore needs regular clipping.
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
The Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is the oldest of the four Irish terrier dog breeds. It gets its name from its soft coat that is wheaten in color. Because it doesn’t shed and the coat itself is so soft, it doesn’t usually cause symptoms for allergy sufferers. In fact, the Wheaten is one of the most popular hypoallergenic dog breeds.
While it was developed to herd, hunt, and guard, today it is typically used as a companion. This is a people-loving breed that is known for its enthusiastic way of greeting guests by excitedly jumping up onto them. Like the Kerry Blue, the Wheaten needs regular grooming.
Irish Wolfhound
The Irish Wolfhound has been around since ancient times. It was used by the Irish Celts as a hunting dog and guardian for their homes and flocks. Later on, it specialized in hunting wolves. The breed was therefore vital for protecting the country’s flocks of sheep from being decimated by these predators.
This is the tallest dog breed in the world however it typically has the personality of a gentle giant that is unless its family is threatened. Unfortunately, the Irish Wolfhound is prone to many types of cancer and has a very short lifespan when compared to other breeds.
Irish Setter
The Irish Setter is famous for its stunning solid chestnut-colored coat. Because of this it was actually first named the Irish Red Setter, however, the name was later changed. It was developed as a bird hunting dog. And like all setters, it would crouch near a bird’s location to show the hunter where it was hiding.
This breed could also be used to retrieve and point as well. The Irish Setter is a gentle dog that’s also highly energetic and athletic. It does mature a bit more slowly than other breeds and because it was bred to think on its own when hunting, it can sometimes be a little stubborn.
Irish Red And White Setter
Most people aren’t aware that there are actually two Irish Setter dog breeds. And the Irish Red And White Setter is believed to be the older of the two. Originally the red and white-colored dogs were preferred since when hunting their contrasting coat made them easier to spot in the field.
However because the appearance of the solid red coat of the Irish Setter became so popular both in the ring and society, the Irish Red And White Setter almost became extinct. Luckily there was a successful effort in the 1920s to revive the breed and ensure its survival until this day.
Irish Water Spaniel
The Irish Water Spaniel is a water dog with a curly coat. And it’s this curly coat that often causes it to be confused for the Poodle. The coat is naturally oily and dense which helps to make it essentially waterproof.
A trait that sets the Irish Water Spaniel apart from all other breeds is its totally bare tail. It actually looks quite similar to the tail of a rat. This breed is known for having endless energy, and therefore best-suited for highly active owners.
Kerry Beagle
Along with the Irish Wolfhound, the Kerry Beagle is considered to be one of the oldest native Irish dog breeds. It’s believed to have been developed in the sixteenth century. Despite its name, the breed doesn’t actually have too many similarities to the standard Beagle.
It’s larger in size and was originally used for hunting stags as opposed to small game. Today it’s used for hunting fox and hare. The Kerry Beagles brought to the United States by Irish immigrants are actually believed to be one of the foundation breeds used to create the various Coonhounds.
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