The Maltese is a devoted and attractive companion in a small package. There’s a lot you’ll want to know about this special breed. So here are some fascinating Maltese facts and information for you to read and enjoy.
Developed On Malta
The name Maltese comes from the fact that the breed was developed on the Isle of Malta. This island nation is located in the center of the Mediterranean and was an early trading hub. The breed is thought to have originated in its current form around the early 1500s.
The Comforter
One of the interesting Maltese dog facts which most people don’t know is that in the past, this breed was believed to have special healing powers. Sick owners would place the dog next to the area on their body where there was pain or disease. It was thought that the Maltese could draw the illness and discomfort out. Because of this unique “power” and the breed’s affectionate nature, it was nicknamed the “Comforter.”
Pure White
According to the breed standard, the Maltese should have a pure white coat. Although lemon or light tan colored ears are allowed they are not considered desirable. The Maltese is actually the only long-coated breed that is considered pure white in color.
The Maltese coat is actually incredibly similar to human hair. And unlike the majority of dogs with short coats, the breed doesn’t shed. Because of this owners who may be allergic to other breeds often have no problem living with a Maltese. It is considered one of the hypoallergenic dog breeds.
White Dog Shaker Syndrome
The Maltese can suffer from what’s known as white dog shaker syndrome. Like its name suggests this is a disorder that causes the dog to have severe tremors. Affected dogs also often have unusual eye movements, particularly when they are stressed or excited.
While this syndrome can affect dogs of any coat color, dogs with white coats are known to have a higher incidence. The West Highland White Terrier is another breed that is predisposed to the syndrome.
A Fearless Canine
Despite being pint-sized, part of the Maltese temperament is a fearless attitude. This is also an incredibly lively and affectionate breed well-known for being gentle. It’s not an aggressive one. It simply doesn’t seem to know it’s so tiny and lives its life in a happy-go-lucky manner.
Black Pigment
Unlike other breeds, with the Maltese black pigmentation is considered to be an important characteristic. For example, the Maltese standard states that the dog must have all-black footpads. The nose and rims of the eyes are other areas that should have dark pigment.
Winter Nose
One of the more interesting facts about Maltese dogs is that the pigment on their noses can fade. It may change from black to gray or even develop white patches. This is referred to as “winter nose.” It’s cured by placing the dog outdoors where it can get exposure to the sun. The sun’s rays help to darken the pigment.
Not A Pet For Small Children
While the Maltese is one of the small fluffy dog breeds it doesn’t mean that it makes an ideal pet for small children. In fact, the opposite is true. Because it is so small and has a delicate bone structure it’s not recommended for families with very young children.
You will often see the Maltese sporting a topknot. This not only looks adorable but helps to keep the hair out of its eyes. In the United States, adult dogs are typically shown in the ring with two topknots whereas in Australia and Europe they are normally shown with one.
Perfectly Portable
Because they are so small, Maltese dogs make an excellent choice for owners who would like to bring their pets with them wherever they go. They can easily be carried, brought in the car, and even with you on the plane. And many hotels, that don’t allow larger dogs, will accept small breeds such as this one.
Time-Consuming Grooming
The breed’s gorgeous long white coat is without a doubt its most famous physical characteristic. However one of the Maltese facts all prospective owners need to know is that the coat does require daily brushing, along with a regular grooming and bathing routine to keep it from getting matted.
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