For various reasons and circumstances, certain dog breeds are much less common than others. Unfortunately, that means these special dogs are often overlooked. However, with the following list of rare dog breeds, you’ll quickly become familiar with some of the hardest-to-find canines on the planet.
Lakeland Terrier
The Lakeland Terrier was once common in the Lake District of northwestern England for which it gets its name. This small yet sturdy working terrier was used by farmers to dispatch vermin such as foxes and badgers in the steep and rocky terrain of this mountainous region.
Nowadays the friendly, intelligent, and confident Lakeland Terrier is hardly seen. And because there are so few breedings of registered Lakeland Terriers in the UK these rare dogs are at critical risk for extinction.
American Water Spaniel
These medium-sized brown spaniels are sturdy all-around hunting dogs. They are the perfect size for being able to go out with the hunters in the boat and retrieve ducks right from it. The American Water Spaniel is considered to have hit its peak popularity early in the nineteenth century.
And despite being the official state dog of Wisconsin and having a friendly and eager-to-please personality, there are only a few thousand of these rare dogs around today.
Chongqing Dog
The Chongqing Dog is an ancient breed from Chonqing China with a blue-black tongue and wrinkly face. The breed can be traced all the way back to the Western Han Dynasty making it over 2,000 years old. While once common, these hunting dogs started to rapidly disappear as a result of urbanization which meant their skills were not needed.
Still few in number today, they make loyal and courageous pets and are known for being quite long-lived.
Pyrenean Mastiff
These giant Spanish dogs were originally used for protecting flocks of sheep from wolves and brown bears and also functioned as guardians of farms, homes, and castles. However eventually, the dangerous predators were all but wiped out in the region.
And in addition, the cost of feeding such enormous dogs, particularly during the Spanish Civil War, was not feasible for most people and the breed’s numbers declined drastically as a result. The Pyrenean Mastiff is a gentle giant with its family but also a natural guard dog that will not back down from a serious threat. As with other mastiff breeds, potential owners should be prepared for dealing with drool.
Clumber Spaniel
You’re not likely to run into a Clumber Spaniel when walking down the street or at the dog park. That’s because this is a very rare breed of dog. And as such, it is classified as a vulnerable native breed by the UK Kennel Club. The Clumber Spaniel is a heaved-boned bird dog with a massive head. These wonderful sweet-tempered canines make easy-going companions although they do both shed and drool quite a lot.
This is easily one of the strangest-looking canines on the planet. That’s because it’s hairless. The Xolo is not commonly seen even in its native homeland of Mexico. In the past, these dogs were sacrificed by the Aztecs, who believed them to be holy. However luckily for these intelligent and easy-to-train rare dogs today they serve the role of a faithful companion, even for those with dog-related allergies.
Kai Ken
This is an ancient Japanese hunting dog breed. The Kai Ken is known to be very rare in Japan and even rarer still outside of its homeland. It has a unique brindle coat that is believed to have helped this medium-sized hunter sneak up on prey and also to help keep it camouflaged from potential predators at the same time. These are smart dogs that learn quickly and are highly devoted to their masters.
Estrela Mountain Dog
The Estrela Mountain Dog is a rare large dog breed from the Estrela Mountain region in Portugal. While it is a big pooch its coat actually gives it the illusion of being even larger than it really is. Because of the breed’s background as a flock guardian, the Estrela Mountain Dog has strong guarding instincts making it an excellent natural guard dog.
These dogs absolutely adore children and are particularly protective of them (especially female Estrela Mountain Dogs). Despite their size and strength, these guardians are not demanding pets as long as they are given daily exercise.
Thai Ridgeback
The Thai Ridgeback is one of only a few breeds in the world that has a ridge of hair on its back that grows in the opposite direction from the hair on the rest of its coat. These attractive canines make loving family pets. However, because of their independent nature, they are not recommended for first-time owners.
The Thai Ridgeback also has naturally strong hunting and guarding instincts which is something prospective owners should consider.
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
This breed is also known as the Korthals Griffon after its Dutch creator, Edward Korthals. It is a superb gundog with a unique weather-resistant double coat and webbed feet that can work on land or in the water and is perfectly at home in swampy conditions.
Despite being a rare hunting dog breed, because of its superb skills in the field, it does have a faithful following of fans. The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is an active canine that loves to be surrounded by its family.
Cesky Terrier
Even though it is the official national dog of the Czech Republic the Cesky Terrier is far from common. And if you’re planning on purchasing this small rare terrier breed you’ll probably need to be on a waiting list, in fact, it’s almost guaranteed. These little guys are worth the wait however as they are sweet-tempered and a lot more mellow than most other terrier breeds.
Tibetan Mastiff
Because of its size, coat, and fiercely protective nature the Tibetan Mastiff is often compared to a lion. Employed as guardians since ancient times, these canines were bred not just for their power and ferocity in the face of danger but also to be independent so, therefore, require experienced owners.
The rarity of these giant dogs means that they can fetch quite high prices. In fact, they are considered to be one of, if not the most, expensive breed on the planet.
Otter Hound
This is considered to be the rarest dog breed in the United Kingdom. Created to hunt otters, which in the past were considered vermin, its popularity reached its height in the mid-19th century. However, the breed was severely impacted by both World War 1 and World War 2.
And the eventual bans on otter hunting in both England and Scotland further led to its declining numbers. While it is a highly skilled hunter the Otter Hound makes a fun-loving and gentle companion that is also particularly fond of children.
Wirehaired Vizsla
This medium-sized scruffy-looking hunting dog was developed to have all the fabulous traits of the Vizsla but also to be able to hunt in the more extreme conditions found in the northern region of its homeland of Hungary. This is a separate breed and while it may look similar to its cousin it is heavier and has a wiry coat.
Thanks to dedicated breeders the Wirehaired Vizsla was able to overcome near extinction after World War 2 and is luckily still with us today, although still not in great numbers.
Skye Terrier
Affectionate and fearless are two ways to describe this Scottish breed. The Skye is known for the strong bond it forms with its owners and while energetic is considered to be one of the more laidback terriers. When it comes to looks the little Skye Terrier is definitely one of the small rare dog breeds with a one-of-a-kind appearance.
It has a long body yet short legs and big bat-like ears, all of which are covered in long glamorous hair. Although it was once a common sight in Scotland today the opposite is true. Many fanciers of the Skye Terrier believe the breed’s rareness is due to the fact that so many potential owners simply don’t know that the breed even exists especially outside of Scotland.
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