Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts

A lion hunter with a unique coat, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a dog that’s athletic and naturally protective. But that’s just the start, here are some of the most interesting Rhodesian Ridgeback facts that help set this amazing breed apart!

A Distinct Ridge

The Rhodesian Ridgeback as its name suggests has a unique ridge of hair on its back. This line of hair actually grows in the opposite direction of the rest of the coat. It starts just behind the dog’s shoulders and finishes in between the hips. Where it ends it has two matching whorls (crowns) of hair, one on either side of the ridge.

Born Different

Every once in a purebred Ridgeback is born without a ridge. Dogs are also sometimes born with ridges that are not as perfect as the standard requires. While both types may not be acceptable in the show ring they are just as much Ridgebacks in every other way.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts



A Marriage Of European And African Ancestry

The ancestry of this breed comes from both Europe and Africa. When the Dutch settlers came to South Africa they brought their dogs with them as well.  These included sight and scent hounds along with bulldogs, terriers, and other breeds. However, the dogs didn’t adapt well to the new and harsh land. They were therefore mixed with the Khoikhoi dog.

This was a semi-wild native dog of the Khoikhoi people (Hottentots) that excelled at hunting, and guarding, and was known to be fearless. It also had a ridge of hair on its back going the opposite direction of the coat. And this characteristic was passed on to the offspring of these breedings which is where the Rhodesian Ridgeback ridge actually comes from.

A Hunter Of Lions

One of the most extraordinary Rhodesian Ridgeback facts is that the breed was developed to hunt lions in southern Africa. Cornelius Van Rooyen is credited with refining the breed in the late eighteen hundreds to enhance its lion-hunting skills and efficiency.

He did so over about thirty-five years and by adding in several other breeds that had the traits he needed such as mastiffs, pointers, along with others. This produced a dog that could track and hold a lion at bay, without being killed itself, until the hunter could dispatch his quarry.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts



Two In One

While most hounds are considered either a sighthound or a scent hound, the Ridgeback is a blend of both. This hunter has the physical features that allow it to run down prey from sight or track it down by following its scent. The breed is therefore very versatile allowing it to adapt to whatever the situation, type of game, or terrain demands.

Eyes That Match

According to the Rhodesian Ridgeback standard, dogs should have eyes that match their nose and coat color. While their eyes can be the same color as their coat or darker, they should never be lighter.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts



Long Distance Athlete

The body of the Ridgeback is perfectly built to travel many miles every day at fast speeds. This is unusual in the dog world for such a large breed. In addition to this, it has a graceful gait and is athletic enough to turn on a dime even at full speed.

A Natural Judge

The Ridgeback is naturally an excellent judge of people and situations. It is not a dog that barks or shows aggression for no reason. The breed’s instincts and high intelligence mean it can quickly interpret if a person or situation is dangerous allowing it to respond appropriately.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts



Guardian Of Children

The guarding instincts that were instilled in this dog come from a time when it needed to protect its family from both man and beast. These instincts are still very much alive in the breed today. This can be seen in the way that Rhodesian Ridgebacks will take it upon themselves to stand guard over children. Females are known to keep a watchful eye on infants, in particular, making sure they are safe from danger at all times.

A Family Dog That Bonds Strongly

This is a loving family dog. It enjoys taking part in all household activities no matter how big or small and is happiest when it’s surrounded by family members. However, it is a breed that typically bonds more strongly with one individual in the home. The dog will be the most loyal and attached to that single owner following their commands before all others.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Facts



Unique Attention-Seeking Behavior   

When most Ridgebacks want to get the attention of one of their family members they have a unique way of making sure they get it. They will lie down on their side and put their feet behind their ears. Then they’ll drag their paws down their face until they reach the nose, all while wagging their tail and peering out of the corner of their eye at the person they want attention from.

A Pooch With Smarts

The history of the Rhodesian Ridgeback breed created a dog that is highly intelligent. As a hunter and guard in hostile terrain, and with a variety of hungry and ferocious predators always lurking, the Ridgeback had to be smart and able to think by itself.

Not being able to do so could very well mean disaster not just for the dog itself but also for its master as well. It’s considered by many to be one of the smartest dog breeds of all and is also of course a very fast learner. (Being smart doesn’t always guarantee obedience, however!)


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