There are many benefits of feeding dogs raw food. Because of this, raw diets such as the BARF and PREY models are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, as more and more dog owners are learning about the advantages of going raw they are making the switch from kibble and so might you. Of course, you’ll want to consult your vet on which specific diet, ingredients, and proportions are right for your pooch. That being said here are some of the top benefits you can expect in general when feeding your dog raw food.
When deciding to raw feed you will typically need to invest in certain accessories such as a chest freezer, stainless steel feeding bowls, and a bunch of freezer-safe food storage containers if you don’t have them already. However, once that is taken care of you will save cash on every meal you serve your pet.
One of the biggest benefits of raw feeding dogs is that it’s more economical than commercial dog food, costing less per pound. With a little time and planning, you can often find local sales and sources where you can buy in bulk for even more savings.
Healthy Gums, Teeth, And Jaws
Canine periodontal disease can cause not just bad breath but eventually, dogs may even lose their teeth. Luckily, feeding raw helps to prevent such problems. The ripping, tearing, and chewing that is required to consume raw meat and bones can clean teeth with every meal.
The process helps to reduce dental plaque keeping gums and teeth healthy and clean. And of course, say goodbye to that bad breath. It can also give your dog an important workout by strengthening its jaws along with neck and shoulder muscles, which simply doesn’t happen with kibble.
One of the most convenient benefits of feeding dogs raw food that pet owners really appreciate is the poop. It’s typically much less stinky. Because dogs are able to absorb more of what they eat, their waste is often smaller than it is when eating kibble as well. And since raw diets include bone, their poop is much dryer and less messy too. This can make cleanup both easier and much more bearable.
Less At The Vet
When feeding dogs raw food over time, the overall health benefits of the entire body can really become apparent, especially when it comes time to visit the vet. Raw-fed dogs are typically healthier, get sick less often, and are able to fight off infections more effectively.
They typically need less care and may not need to go to the vet as often, except for checkups and vaccinations. This can help you to save a lot of cash on a yearly basis, particularly if you have multiple dogs.
Skin And Coat
Often the benefits of raw feeding for dogs are quickly seen in the skin and coat. In fact, this is one of the first areas that owners normally see visible results. A dog’s skin is actually its largest organ. And skin requires healthy inner organs to look its best which the vitamins and minerals in a raw diet help to provide.
In return having healthy skin allows your pet to have a healthy coat as well. It’s also common for skin allergies, rashes, and other problems to be drastically reduced or simply disappear when feeding a dog a raw diet. “Dog smell,” often stops and many pets seem to become much more resistant to pests such as fleas, lice, and mange mites.
These are just some of the many excellent benefits of feeding dogs raw food. You can expect to enjoy the advantages listed here along with many more for both you and your pooch when you make the switch.
Start Shopping for Raw Dog Food!
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