Housetraining your new pet is an important job. It will teach him one of the most important things he will ever learn: not to go to the bathroom in the house. No one wants to get stuck cleaning up after a puppy any longer than is necessary. However, there are a few different methods to pick from. Using puppy training pads is one of them. Before you make a decision you’ll want to know the basics first so here’s your fast guide.
Alternative To Standard Housetraining
Using puppy pads to train your dog is an alternative method of housetraining your pet. Instead of taking your dog outside to go to the bathroom, he is first taught to go on a pad. It is typically used by owners who live in the city or live in apartments or condos where quick access to a yard or natural space is not an option.
Pads are also a favorite for those who own small dog breeds. Some people use them when teaching adult dogs they’ve adopted who aren’t yet housetrained or for elderly pets.
Keep It Consistent
Just like with all forms of dog training the key when housetraining using pads is to be consistent. Pick one spot where you will use the pads. It needs to be in the same place every time. The most convenient area is on a surface that is easy to clean such as a bathroom floor.
Be sure to keep to a schedule when bringing your pet to the pad just as you would when training him to go outdoors. You can think of the pad as your temporary yard.
And don’t forget to reward him with praise and treats for doing a good job when using it. Replace the pad when it has been used. (Some owners will keep a pad that their dog has already urinated on under the new pad so that their pet will smell it and know that this is the spot they should pee.)
The Transition
Eventually, when your pet has been consistently using only the pads to go to the bathroom it will be time to transition him to going outdoors. Each day you will want to move the pad a few feet closer to the door of your home. Once you reach the door the next step is to place the pad outside of it to get him used to going to the bathroom outdoors.
When he is, pick a spot outside that he can use to relieve himself regularly and bring the pad to it. Once he is comfortable going on the pad there you can stop using pads altogether. You’re done!
Always Have Extras
Don’t forget to purchase extra pads. Training may take longer than you originally anticipated. All dogs are different and learn at varying speeds. Buying in bulk, can save you some cash and from running out.
It’s always better to have a few extra than not enough since running out could mean taking longer to train your pet and having to clean up messy accidents. If accidents do happen be sure to clean them up right away and thoroughly. If there is any remaining scent your pooch might use the same spot he had his accident to go again in the future.
Puppy training pads are not for everyone, but they do have their place. They can be a very effective training aid. And with this info, you can now make a much better decision on whether or not they will be your method of choice!
Start Shopping for Puppy Training Pads!
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