There is nothing many new puppy owners dread more than housetraining their pets. But with the right advice, you can make this process as easy as possible. So here are the top tips you will want to keep in mind during this important learning period for your new family member.
Stay Consistent And Positive
You can’t expect your pet to learn if you are not consistent in the actions you take to teach him. Staying consistent will help him know exactly what you expect and minimize any confusion. Rewarding your dog with positive praise and treats when he does go to the bathroom outside is just as important. This will quickly help to create a new behavior pattern with little effort.
A Routine Is Critical
Having a routine will help you stay consistent. Dogs love routines and with one, you will greatly cut down on the chance your dog has an accident indoors. You will want to feed your pet at the same times every day. A regular feeding schedule goes hand in hand with having specific times for taking your dog out to go to the bathroom.
Learn From Accidents
Of course, accidents will happen, especially with younger puppies. At around two to three months of age most can only control their bladder for around two hours. Instead of getting angry or frustrated when there is an accident, you can use them to help improve your dog’s routine in the future.
For example, if your puppy is consistently going to the bathroom in the house, you most likely will need to take him out sooner after eating. Some young pups may need to be taken out as often as once per hour.
Keep Your Eyes Open
You may be able to catch your pet before an accident happens. By keeping him in view and staying alert you can quickly take him outside if he starts to circle around preparing to go to the toilet.
Choose A Spot
When you do take your pooch outdoors you should pick a specific spot that you want him to use. By bringing your dog to this area each time you take him out it will help to train him to think of it as his bathroom space. This will also help to make sure that he doesn’t make a mess in other outdoor areas.
Pick A Command
You can use a command to teach your dog to go to the toilet on cue. A command like: “go potty”, “go pee”, or “do your business”, when repeated each time your dog is about to go to the bathroom in his outdoor space can form an association his mind.
Confine To A Crate
If you must leave your puppy alone confining him to a crate will make sure there are no accidents in other areas of the home. Many pets will also prefer not to go to the bathroom in their crate because it’s where they sleep.
But you will want to choose a crate that is the right size. If it’s too large it may not discourage the puppy from going to the toilet. A divider can help with this. And don’t forget to take your dog outdoors to relieve himself before you put him in his crate and after you let him out.
Empty Your Pet Out Before Sleep
The longest your pet will go without being able to go outdoors is when you put him to bed. In order to help him empty his bowels so he’s not uncomfortable and makes a mess in his crate overnight, don’t give him access to food or water for the last two or three hours before you put him to bed. And take him out right before it is time to put him away for the night.
By following these tips you will be helping your puppy to learn as fast as possible while minimizing the risk of accidents in your home. So keep them in mind so your dog can become housetrained in as quickly as a few weeks.
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