Weimaraner Facts

The Weimaraner is a canine with a shimmering coat that was created as a hunting dog for the elite. And those aren’t the only special things about this breed. Here are some of the most interesting Weimaraner facts.

Named For Its Place Of Origin  

The English name, Weimaraner comes from the town where the breed originated Weimar, Germany. In Germany, it is also named for the town of Weimar but it’s known as der Weimaraner Vorstehund which translates to, “the pointing dog of Weimar.”

All-Around Hunter

While hunting dog breeds are normally suited for a single type of hunting the Weimaraner is much more versatile. It’s a popular bird dog that can also be used for retrieving as well. But you are just as likely to see a Weimaraner hunting or tracking deer, bear, boar.

Weimaraner Facts



Reserved For Royalty

In the past, this breed was only allowed to be owned by royalty. It was a hunting dog that was meant for the ruling class with very strict rules on who was able to have one. Of course, however, with the Weimaraner’s reputation as a top-notch hunting dog, his did not last for very long.

Not That Old

When compared to many other dog breeds, especially those that have been around since ancient times such as the Chow Chow, the Weimaraner is considered to be quite young. In fact, it was only developed in the early 1800s.

Weimaraner Facts



An Indoor Pet From The Start

Many hunting dog breeds are content to sleep outdoors. This is not the case with the Weimaraner. It is happiest inside the home. In fact historically this high-society hunter slept indoors with its master as opposed to in a kennel like the hounds of the lower classes.

Weimaraner Eyes Change Color

This breed is known for its stunning eyes. While puppies are typically born with blue eyes, these will usually fade over time changing to yellow or even amber. Occasionally, however, dogs do keep their blue eye color. This may be in both eyes or less often in just a single eye.

Weimaraner Facts



Unmistakable Coat

The shimmering solid gray coat of the Weimaraner is one of the most recognizable characteristics of the breed. In fact its coat is the reason it is also known by the nickname the Gray Ghost. As a puppy grows older the shade of its coat will usually get lighter on its head and ears.

A Longer Docked Tail

There are many breeds where the standard calls for a docked tail. These are often times docked very short. However in contrast the Weimaraner tail is docked at about six inches long. So while the tail is still short, when compared to a natural tail, it’s considered long for a docked tail.

Not Just A Short Coat

Although most people are only familiar with the short-coated variety there is also a long coat type as well.  It’s not nearly as common and is covered in long hair on both its body and also on its ears. Although it’s officially recognized in most countries, it isn’t currently recognized by the American Kennel Club. 

Weimaraner Facts



Post World War Two Popularity

While the first Weimaraners were imported into the United States in the late nineteen twenties, the breed really started to become popular after World War Two. American soldiers returning from Europe brought with them dogs they had purchased abroad.

They also gained the spotlight because of their famous owners. President Dwight D. Eisenhower had a Weimaraner named Heidi that lived in the White House. Actress Grace Kelly along with Western star Roy Rogers also owned the breed.

Weimaraner Facts



A Photogenic Breed

The Weimaraner was further popularized by the famous artist and photographer William Wegman who used his dogs as subjects for his photos, videos, and books. His first dog, Man Ray, was actually named “Man of the Year,” by the Village Voice upon his death in 1982.

His next dog Fay Ray and many of her puppies were used as models in his works, and often in hilarious and unlikely poses. Fay Ray was also a regular guest on the famous children’s show Sesame Street.

Weimaraner Facts



Blue Dogs

One of the little Weimaraner facts is that sometimes purebred dogs are born with a blue coat. However, while recognized by the AKC, these dogs cannot be shown in the ring, as the breed standard calls for a gray coat.

Blue-coated dogs also have skin that is much darker in pigment (close to black) especially surrounding the mouth, eyes, and nails. This can be helpful to determine if a dog is actually blue or simply a very light gray.


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