While most people assume there is only one type of flea there are actually many different species of fleas totaling at about 3,000. However, hands-down the most common flea living on dogs is actually the cat flea. Despite what its’ name suggests the cat flea prefers both cats and dogs and is the flea you will most likely encounter in your home. And here is what you’ll need to know to keep them off of your dog and out of your home.
What Makes Fleas Such Annoying Pests?
Small Size
The small size of fleas, typically around 3/16”, helps them to easily get in-between the hairs of your dog for an easy meal. Their small size also means that they can remain unseen in your carpet, in the cracks of wood panels, and on your furniture.
They’re Amazing Jumpers
Unfortunately for us and our canines, fleas have the ability to jump great distances despite their small body size. Their long legs allow them to jump onto their host as well as from one host to another very easily.
Fleas Lay Large Numbers Of Eggs
A female flea can lay somewhere around 50-60 eggs a day. They lay these eggs on a host such as your dog, however many of these eggs will fall off in your home as your dog scratches and grooms itself as well as just from walking around. Many of these eggs end up in your carpet and on your furniture. These eggs can hatch in as little as 10 days.
Young Fleas Are Tough
Because fleas lay so many eggs, the majority of fleas that end up in your home are in their earlier stages of development, up to 95% in fact. However many dog flea treatments and pesticides only kill the adults, or 5% of the population, leaving the remaining 95% to grow up, bite your dog and lay eggs themselves.
Fleas Live On Blood
Blood is the reason fleas bite your dog and their saliva is specially designed to both soften the dogs’ skin for easy penetration and keep the blood flowing after the bite. This saliva is the reason many pets and humans have allergic reactions to flea bites causing hair loss, extreme itching, and a ton of other skin problems.
Fleas Transmit Disease
Fleas are known to transmit both Bubonic and Pneumonic plagues to both pets and humans. While humans and pets can be treated effectively with antibiotics, if not treated quickly enough they can die.
What’s The Best Dog Flea Treatment?
With the many advancements in flea-fighting medicines in the past few years, topical solutions have become the easiest, most convenient, and most effective way to deal with fleas. Topical dog flea treatments are a simple way to deal with fleas without having to go to the vet. Typically the solution comes in an easy-to-use applicator which you squeeze to apply onto the skin (not the hair) between the shoulder blades of your dog.
The solution is absorbed and is stored in the oil glands of your dog’s skin and then distributed through the hair follicles killing fleas and ticks for around 30 days. Because it is absorbed into the oil glands of your dog, it means that it is waterproof and you can bathe your dog or let it go swimming without having to worry about the solution coming off or being less potent.
Each individual brand will tell you how long after you apply the solution you should wait before allowing your dog to get wet and how old your dog should be before it can safely use it. Topical dog flea treatments work very quickly and usually take only a few hours to start killing fleas. And unlike other treatments, fleas don’t have to bite your dog to be killed, all it takes is contact with your dog’s hair.
When purchasing one you need to know the weight of your dog because the applicators are sold in different sizes according to how much your dog weighs. With the huge increase in popularity of topical treatments, there are now many brands available that offer slightly different features and use different active ingredients.
Other Dog Flea Treatment Options
Flea Collars
Before topical solutions were available the flea collar was for years the weapon of choice when it came to keeping dogs flea-free. The two main advantages that flea collars have are that they are much cheaper than other options and they last much longer, usually around 6-7 months. They are also a good alternative for dogs that have issues with topical flea treatments.
However, some flea collars only kill adult fleas so it is important to read the label carefully and purchase one which kills fleas in all stages of growth. Another thing to keep in mind is that because the chemicals used are quite strong you must wash your hands after touching a flea collar. While they are very cheap, many dog owners who have children choose to use topical solutions and not to use flea collars because of the risk posed when kids touch the collar and put their hands in their mouths without washing them first.
A new and safer option are flea medallions. These attach to your dog’s collar and are an effective dog flea and tick treatment for up to 4 months because they continuously emit small amounts of their active ingredient which become distributed across the dog’s hairs. Many of them are waterproof as well.
Flea Sprays
There are a wide variety of flea sprays on the market both to spray directly on your dog. The best of these will kill the existing fleas and ticks on our dog’s body in 24 hours kill and continue to kill any new ones your dog picks up for up to as long as a month. They are also waterproof so your dog can go for a swim or have a bath without losing the spray’s flea-killing effects.
You may also want to consider a flea spray for your home, which is not meant to be sprayed on your pet. These will help to rid your home of any existing fleas that may be on carpets, curtains, couches, dog beds, and other places where fleas are living. However, you will want to make sure that the spray you choose for your home is safe for your pet.
Flea Shampoos
Dog flea treatment shampoos are an inexpensive option for the dog owner who doesn’t mind giving their dog a bath. They are a quick fix for killing fleas on your dog but not really a long-term solution.
That being said, it’s a good idea to have a good flea shampoo at home to hold your dog over while waiting to purchase another type of treatment. And if you’re going to bathe your dog anyway, why not use a flea and tick shampoo for extra protection.
Natural Dog Flea Treatment Options
Diatomaceous Earth
Many people think that because the name says “earth” it is a type of soil, but actually it is made of diatoms which are the fossilized remains of microscopic shells. It is totally safe for all animals to consume and you put this powder into your dog’s food daily or rub it into their fur to kill and repel all insect types.
Many people sprinkle this powder on their carpets and in their dog’s beds as well. Sprinkling it in your home is actually one of the most effective ways to prevent and kill bedbugs too! If you can’t find this product online you can usually pick it up at most garden centers.
Lemon Flea Spray
You can make an all-natural flea spray for your dog by adding cut lemons to boiling water and leaving them for about 12 hours to steep. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray your dog all over.
Natural Flea Repellent Plants
Fleas dislike many herbs along with plants with a citrus smell. By planting the types that fleas don’t like you can help to repel them both indoors and out. Lemon Balm, Thyme, Catnip, Fennel, Basil, Sage, or Peppermint will help to keep fleas away without using chemicals.
***Extra Dog Flea Treatment Tips***
-Feeding your dog a good diet will keep him or her in good health and that means fewer problems with fleas.
-Use a good flea shampoo when washing your dog, you have to do give your dog a bath anyway so why use a normal shampoo when you can get the added benefit of killing fleas.
-Always treat all dogs as well as cats in your home for fleas, not just one.
-Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum: Because fleas hide out in your carpet, a good thorough vacuuming a few times a week is a simple way to help to put a dent in the flea population in your house.
-Make sure to empty your vacuum bag into an outdoor garbage container so fleas can’t jump out and back into your home.
-A flea collar or mothballs placed in your vacuum bag is a simple trick that will kill fleas that are sucked up into your vacuum preventing them from escaping and laying eggs.
-Washing dog beds, bedding, and dog coats or jackets weekly with hot water will kill existing fleas and eggs.
-You can actually drown fleas in your yard by watering your lawn and garden heavily with water a few times per week.
-For an all-natural flea treatment rinse after shampooing your dog make a 50/50 mix of water and lemon juice and rinse your dog.
-Baking soda mixed with water into a paste is a great non-toxic anti-itch cream for areas where your dog has already been bitten by fleas or other insects.
-Just because a flea treatment is safe for your dog does not mean it is safe for your cat, always make sure you read the label of the product carefully.
Start Shopping for Flea Treatments!
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